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A Thorough Guide to Everything You Need to Know About Raising American Bison for Production Agriculture.

Click here for more information on my own observations of bison and an interview with the animal ecology manager at Neil Smith National Wildlife Refuge.

Personal Observations

We were rightfully challenged as a class to keep track of all of the websites and other resources that we used to gain information for this project- by clicking   here, you can find lists of both photographical and informational citations.

About the Author


Hi!  I'm Caitlin, and I decided to write this blog page as part of an Animal Science project.  The animal that I chose to research, as you can see, is the American Bison.  I am excited about this project because I want to major in Forestry: Interpretation, and I believe this project will be of good use to my knowledge of classifications and handlings of different species, and to anyone else who may come along and desire some information on North America's largest land mammal.  I hope you enjoy this blog, and hopefully I will be able to do some hands-on research and display that in here.  I'm looking forward to completing this!  Wish me luck!

-Caitlin, September 20th, 2014

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